Sunday, May 15, 2011

Colorado Springs Rocky Mountain High

Day 6 Friday morning headed to Colorado Springs. Beautiful drive through and around the mountains into expansive very flat praries. The Rockiesare snow capped and massive kind of intimidating. What were the early settlers thinking when they first laid eyes on them? Got to Coloroda Springs checked into my hotel and headed to a disc golf park not far from my hotel. As I was trying to find the lay out a guy asked if this was my first time(HA) and invited me to play with him and his freind. I played with Toby and Drew on there home course and beat them. I was 7 over on this really neat course with lots of elevation changes, trees and wind. Great time nice guys. Saturday I attempted to mountain bike in Palmer Park inside city limits. I first tried the blue or intermediate trails no luck at 6000ft and the climbs. So I hit the green or beginners trails but they were few and not marked well. I then headed to the paved and gravel trails that couerse the entire city of Colorado Springs nice and good exercise. With a rain/snow storm coming I drove up to Garden of the Gods a unique area of rock outcropings. Great place to stop. With the storm Pikes Peak is not even visible so maybe next time.
Next Stop Denver


  1. Sounds like you are having a blast, and the view is awesome !

  2. Keep warm dear husband. See ya Friday!!!!
