Friday, April 8, 2011

Week One

One week into my time off.
 I have been busier than when I worked. WHAAAA!
Yard work here and at mom and Dad's place in Huntsville in Huntsville.
Monday I went to 950 KPRC Radio station and attended a live broadcast of the Dennis Miller Show. He was very funny and open to the audience asking what we wanted to talk about and discussed some events in the morning news. Ted Nugent the Motor City Mad Man called in to start the show and welcome Dennis to Texas. Dennis then had Debbie Riddell and State Congresswomen in the studio and lastly Conservative Michael Berry on in the studio. Michael gave Dennis a Bucees hat and a pie from Taste of Texas. Lots of fun and a great start to my time off.
Played disc golf in Huntsville at Shawshank Disc Golf Course where they are playing the 2011 Masters Championship this weekend. I will not be playing of course but I did get to play in a foursome with a Child Psychologist from Birmingham Charlie,England and two guys from OK. Charlie gave me his card and asked me to call when we get to England later this year, guess I will be taking my discs to England. By the way he was a fantastic player, Huntsville is a long way to go to play a game of Frisbee.
Friday drove to Rocky Hill Ranch in Smithville,TX to meet Steve Bernarden and ride mountain bikes on the ranch. Very hot and very dry! The trails are in good shape to bad I am not in the best of shape. The hills and rocky terrain Kicked my A_ _!
Whats next?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Last Day

Yesterday March 31st last day working at 19010 Northwest Freeway Joe Myers Toyota.

 Now the next phase of life, what will it bring? It started day one with a hangover thanks to my of my JMT friends? Did get a massage today though so "I am much better now"!